ahh isn't reading life the best because I feel the opposite!! I did not understand the point of the long drawn out Shakespeare scenes in Villains for the life of me but I felt every single sentence in The Secret History was important and full of subtext. I think part of it is never having really loved Shakespeare even when I was forced to take three classes in undergrad. Regardless I am excited to hear your take on the novel, I love to challenge my own way of thinking. 🖤

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Honestly I do need to give TSH another chance because I didn't not enjoy it when I read it...sometimes when I listen to books on audio they don't hit the same 😅 And I totally don't blame you for not getting Shakespeare, I swear half of my commentary on Villains is just me prefacing everything going: "So I don't know if this is right buuuut..." I aspire to understanding old English but mostly it's just gibberish haha Thanks for reading!!!

Also I think I saw it was your birthday yesterday? Happy birthday!!!

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Oh TSH on audio doesn’t sound fun to me! I wonder if you did read physical you would see it different. And thank you 😊

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